Friday, November 26, 2010

Truly Thankful...

After returning home from spending Thanksgiving at my sister-in-law's house last night, I had a little more quiet time to reflect on what it is that I am truly thankful for.

I am so thankful for my family...each and every one of them. I am thankful for my husband and the family I have gained through him. I am thankful that although my family and I live so far away from each other, that we maintain such close-knit and special relationships with one another. I am thankful that I am able to go back and visit as frequently as I do. I am thankful for friends, for our health, for work in this difficult economy, for our freedom, for life... for the ability to look back and truly appreciate my past experiences, relish in the present ones and look forward to those in the future.

I am thankful for everyone who has touched my life in some way or another. And for those loved ones who are not with us anymore, I am thankful, so thankful for the memories. 

And I am thankful for this every day of my life...not just on Thanksgiving Day.

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving weekend...

Photo courtesy of Nostalgia Portraits.

Photo courtesy of Walter Wilson Photography.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Querida Gabi indudablemente nuestra familia es muy hermosa, asi como la reflexión que hicieste para Thanksgiving. Te felicito porque tienes una manera de decir las cosas con extraordina sensibilidad y las lagrimas rodaron por nuestras mejillas!!! Yo le doy gracias a Dios por estar viva y llena de salud y por tener una familia tan unida y bella como ésta. Un gran abrazo. Carmen.

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