Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Queen Chloe...

Chloe is a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog. I had a soft spot for her right from the beginning because she is the long haired version of my big boy, Boulder. Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Bernese Mountain Dogs are in the same family...cousins so to speak.

Chloe greeted me as soon as I got out of my car. Her coat was this exuberant soft and shiny mass of fluff. What a gorgeous dog!!! And so incredibly sweet. Her humans had rescued her when she was a year and a half old. They brought her into their home where she learned a lot from her older sister, Olivia, also an incredibly gorgeous Berner. Once Olivia left this world (at 12 1/2 years old which is very rare for this giant breed), Chloe became the spotlight of her household. She is truly the Queen and she knows it!

As we left the location and drove back to Chloe's home, I couldn't help but chuckle as her enormous head popped out of the back seat window of a small car. She took up the entire back seat! My plan was to continue our session back at the home but Chloe had other plans... All she wanted to do was cuddle with her giraffe and get some sleep.

Who said it was easy being a queen?!

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