Thursday, May 13, 2010

What are little boys made of?

I was in Miami recently to visit my family and I had the joy of photographing my 5 year old, 3 year old and 6 month old nephews. Let me just tell you, my heart cannot contain all the love I have for these boys. I am blessed to share a very special bond with all three of them! They have such distinct personalities and are so incredibly affectionate and loving and are also little comics in their own sense - they are so funny!

So to answer my own question: genuine laughs, tender smiles and loving eyes, that's what these little boys are made of.

1 comment:

Carmen Montcourt said...

Verdaderamente las fotos estan espectaculares!!! La expresión de los rostros de los niños en las fotos y lo que escribes en el blog, dice mucho de tu personalidad porque en ellas reflejas todo lo que hay en tu interior: una mujer con mucha dulzura y un corazón lleno de amor que es capáz de despertar emociones inesperadas en otras personas... Cuando leí el texto, mis lagrimas rodaron libremente. Felicitaciones y que sigas cosechando éxitos por tu esfuerzo y dedicacion!!!

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